Thursday 23 May 2013

¡1 Mes! – En resumen


Feliz mes de vida mí querido bebe. Si bebe, siempre serás mi bebe, si algún día llegas a tener hermanitos seguirás siendo mi bebe querido.

No puedo creer que ya ha pasado un mes, como voló el tiempo no ha pasado mucho tiempo de cuando te aventabas tu fiesta de pataditas dentro de mí y ahora lo estás haciendo frente de tu Papi y Yo.

Te hemos visto crecer muchísimo… Ayer te llevamos a Dr. para tu chequeo y pesaste 7lb 6.5oz y mediste 20.75 pulgadas… ya estas larguito mi lombricita. Te tome fotos cada día para tener recuerdo de cuanto cambiabas día a día y para compartirlas con tu abuelitos. La primera foto es de cuando tenías un día y la última es de ti ahora.
Tu Papi y Yo hemos aprendido mucho – que te gusta y no te gusta, y pues a las otras cosas todavía estamos aprendiendo so así que se paciente con nosotros Baby Baby.
Te fascina que te cargue como canguro, me amaro un rebozo y te cargo por todas partes. Después de estarte cargando 24/7 por 10 meses claro que extrañas que lo siga haciendo, y a mí me gusta mucho me haces sentir muy especial cuando de agarras de mi ropa o de mis dedos o brazo para asegurarte que estoy allí – si estoy y nunca te voy a dejar. Ahorita mientras escribo esto estas como cangurito
Cuando estas con tu Papi te gusta estar sentado a su lado o acostado en su pecho
No te gusta tu sillita del carro lloras pero en cuanto te duermes te quedas por horas si te dejaríamos
No te gusta que te bañemos en tu tinita, pero te encanta que te bañemos bajo la regadera
Nos sorprende que duermes como piedrita nada te despierta – ni los ladridos de los perritos 
Sonríes mucho, me derrite tu sonrisa cuando abres los ojos y te das cuenta que estas en mis brazos (que es 90% del tiempo)
Haces caritas chistosas cuando te hechas un pedito (haha) 
Pero también lloras como todos los bebes. Estamos aprendiendo que significa cada uno de tus lloridos, suena diferente cuando tienes hambre a cuando estas aturdido a cuando necesitas que te cambiemos etc.
Aquí están unos videos de ti durante este mes.
Con hipó y destornudando
Durmiendo (sí que da sueno con nomas ver)
En tu pancita jugando
Platicando conmigo sobre tu Abuelito Alex
No te imaginas cuanto te quiero y como has cambiado mi vida, ahora que te tengo nunca quiero estar sin ti xox Mami

Sunday 19 May 2013

In Your Daddy's Words

Baby Baby,

Today your Daddy showed me his Adventure log and let me read two entries, which I'm now going to share with you - I told you he was a Sweetheart...

October 2, 2012
Today Tuesday the 2nd of October at 4am Jessica woke me up with great news, the best news ever, she said to me "You're going to be a daddy." It was a great way to wake up. She was glowing with joy and love. I'm nervous and scared, but extremely happy to know that soon I'll be able to hold my baby in my arms. I couldn't be happier and excited for anything else. I promise to love you unconditionally and be there for you always.
  - Best Day Today! -
April 23, 2013
Today began a great adventure probably one of the best adventures I will ever take part of. Around 1:30pm today I took Jessica to the hospital. She had been having contractions for about two days now, but not consistent or close enough to go to the hospital. At noon today her contractions began to get closer to the 4-1-1 but where not quite there. By 1:00pm they were about 5-1-1 so we decided to go to the hospital. We arrived around 1:30pm and made our way to triage, but they were so full that we had to wait in the waiting area for almost 30 minutes. At 2pm they gave us a room were they monitored Baby Baby's heart rate and Jessica's contractions. The nurse checked how dilated Jessica was (3cm) and sent us for a walk (1hr). We walked the halls of the hospital and went up and down the stairs (didn't use elevator) for the hour and when we got back (3:15pm) they checked her dilation again and she was now 5cm and the nurse said "Well good job we will get you ready for labor and delivery," which made Jessica and I extremely happy and excited. They placed an IV on Jessica and moved us to a room in Labor & Delivery at Rockyview General Hospital with an amazing view of the Bow River and the Rocky Mountains (covered in snow). We arrived to the room at 4:45pm and I began to make the room cozy and comfortable for Jessica. I dimmed the lights and played the Country playlist from her iPod on the docking speaker we took. At 5pm Dr. Kennedy arrived and said that she was going to break Jessica's water to accelerate the contractions. For the next three hours we waited but Jessica only dilated 1 more cm (6cm) and her contractions remained the same 5-1-1 since Dr. Kennedy broke her water. In order to increase the dilation the Dr. began a flow of oxytocin through Jessica's IV. Jessica immediately (within 20min) began to get stronger contractions and began to dilate more. With the pain increasing drastically we opted for an epidural. The anesthesiologist came into the room at 8pm and started the epidural which helped to ease the pain and allow Jessica to rest a little. At 11:30pm Jessica was fully dilated (10cm) and had very close and strong contractions. The nurse (Kathleen) had been attending to Jessica amazingly all day, when she walked in at 11:30 Jessica told her she felt like she needed to start pushing so Kathleen said, "Let me check". When she checked Jessica was crowning so the nurse said, "The baby has a lot of hair", Jessica's face of surprise and happiness was incredible. The nurse immediately prepped Jessica into position as she called Dr. Kennedy for delivery. Baby Baby was so eager to meet mommy that everything was occurring quickly. When Dr. Kennedy arrived the nurse had been assisting Jessica to push and Baby Baby had almost gotten its little head out. Dr. Kennedy had Jessica keep pushing but for some reason Baby Baby was not coming out anymore. Then they had difficulty finding the heart beat because the sensor would not read it but the audio was still picking it up. During this moment Jessica began to panic a bit and Dr. Kennedy decided to use a "Kiwi" (vacuum) and pull Baby Baby out as Jessica gave one last push. The best sound I have ever heard immediately followed- a beautiful cry. Baby Baby was placed on Jessica and Dr. Kennedy asked, "Do you want to know the gender?" I peeked and told Jessica, "It's a boy!" Baby Giovanni was born at 11:54pm on April 23, 2013. He was perfect. As he laid on Jessica he had his eyes wide open exploring this new place. Dr. Kennedy allowed me to cut the umbilical cord. It was an explosion of emotions, I was so happy and proud that Jessica and I were now parents to a little boy. Once Jessica was cleaned up the nurse placed Giovanni on a Heater Basket where they weighted and measured him, as well as, gave him his potassium hot and eye drops/cream. Giovanni weighted 6lbs 2 oz and measured 19.5 inches. Our miracle and gift from God had finally made it into our arms for us to love and care for on the Best Adventure of our lives.